Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Annie Leibovitz and KONY 2012

            We watched a move called Annie Leibovitz-Life through the lens in arts class today. The story talked about the life of Annie Leibovitz, and his story about photography.
            It was really interesting that she take portraitures for a lot of famous people, her photos are amazing, both technical and emotional. It looks like there is nothing to critique about her lighting; and the motion it delivered is accurate and strong. She shoot for The Rolling Stones, Disney and etc., a successful woman carries an awesome family.
            I started to think about my photography, my photo looks like nothing in front her arts. The confidence on her face when she shoot, how effective she was in the studio; impressed me a lot. The idea she has, the feeling of color, the motion of light; can really been seen even you are just watching at it in a movie. All pictures tell a story behind the scene, one of her most famous portrait Leibovitz’s Portrait of John Lennon and Yoko Ono in 1980. Leibovitz tried to re-create something like the kissing scene from the Double Fantasy album cover, a picture she loved. She had John remove his clothes and curl up next to Yoko, she made Yoko left everything on, and she made John curled up next to her and it was very strong. John gave this picture the comment: You’ve captured our relationship exactly. Promise me it will be on the cover. In the movie, Yoko recalled the memories and this long, long story made her cried.
            Beyond this movie, I relalized the power of vision. Not only about Leibovitz, also the videographer Jason Russell , with the goal of raising awareness and creating international pressure for the arrest of Joseph Kony — who has has abducted more than 30,000 children in Central Africa since 1987 and forced them to be child soldiers in his Lord’s Resistance Army. Russell says he intends to use the power of the web, via this video, to create a groundswell for justice. The Kony 2012 video impressed me a lot, it is a video both tells a story, and provoke an emotion. Photographer and Videographer knows how powerful the vison impact is, and I decide this will be the next thing I will focus on.

Friday, March 2, 2012

A Car Flip over on DU Campus

The accident happened on mar.2 12:26 in the morning.
In front of Parking Lot W. ( intersection of University Blvd and Jewell Ave.) Also as the side of University Apartments
A car flip on the road because of icy road.
No people get hurt.
Unknown whether the driver get drunk.
6 police cars and 1 truck arrived in 1 mins.
Cars get moved and road get cleaned on 1:20AM