Monday, January 23, 2012

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My FIRST roll of FILM!!!

     I have practiced recording my life for 10 years, I shoot digital all these years. I still remember that the first digital camera I have is the Olympus-u (something). Then I have Kodak, Samsung, Sony TX1 Sony T200 Sony TX9? Canon T1i Canon 50D Canon 60D Canon 7D and Canon 5D mark II during these 10 years, I turned to be a little professional when I upgrade from T1i to 50D. The camera that I like the most is Canon 5D mark II, it is a cheap full frame camera, I have bought 6 of them, some of them were broken, some shutters are dead, I'm still using 2 of them.
       But, those are all digital. I feels like the time when I learn how to developing films reminds me of those days 10 years ago, knowing nothing. So I tried to catch up, I want to know how my "digital" skills works in film. I process my first film right after the developing class and ask Roddy how to scan them right about 5pm (thanks Roddy). I have to say, film is amazing!!!!!!!!! I will keep shooting some film when I go everywhere, and I hope I can control my film camera just like my digital one.
      Camera: Vivitar V3800-N
      Film: " Stupid Vivitar " Black and White ISO100
      Develop time: 9.5 mins

Old DCB classroom.

Student in the snow.

Heave snow.

Man in the snow.

University Hall.

Wayne Armstrong and me is building a photography studio in the chamber of this building.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Keep Twisting

 It says that, how beautiful you can photograph your campus means how much you love it.

Monday, January 9, 2012

How to make out of focus swirl?

Someone like it, someone not. I prefer to want this happen when traveling, not on recording jobs.

  This happens often when you use old lens.

Camera: Leica M9
Lens:    Picture1: Voigtlande 35mm f/1.4 (Single Coated)
             Picture2: Voigtlande 35mm f/1.4 (Multi Coated)
             Picture3: Leica Summilux-M 35mm f/1.4( Version 1)
Based on my experience, this happens because the corner of the lens doesn't show much" clarity" as the corner. You also have to use lens has speed more than f/1.5

Thanks for your comments.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Miss Sunshine

Kind of old picture, but kind of using nature light.
The light inside its eyes make it vivid and motivated, the sunshine is like a kicker lights. The  car next to it was a white car, and it acts like a reflector that reflect the light like a fill light. I manually set up the flash to 1/128 power, as the main light.

So special lights setup, just find a good angle that has no big shadow inside the flower, using Canon 100mm f/2.8L Macro to shoot this flower, focus on the yellow thing of the flower.

Shoot in RAW and bring up the darkness a little bit. I waited the sun comes down so there is no big shadow on the bird.
Sometimes you cannot fix issues in technical way, you have to wait and adjust yourself. 

The Snow, the Camera

I think I will never buy the 100 ISO film again.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

First Photography Class

It is exciting, I got my first film camera, and I messed up my first shot by release the shutter accidentally.
Thank you, Roddy.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Short Trip to Portland, OR

It is a 5 days' trip, but I took my time and traveled to a lot of amazing places.
Such like Portland State University and OR state university.

I also went to the cannon beach, I saw the night view of downtown ( I took picture of it, but it doesn't looks nice. We are too height and there are trees in front of us. Another bad thing is, I only took 14mm f2.8L II that day, so I crop a lot in order to make it looks better) I went to shopping also, because there is no tax in OR.

The most exciting things is about the Falls, it is the place there the movie TWILIGHT was shotted.